7 Skills New IT Grads Are Lacking

Last month, ComputerWorld published an interesting article on the 7 Key Skills New IT Grads Are Lacking. We found it to be very interesting article that presented opportunities for us to talk about how we, at EDGE, can meet the needs outlined by IT departments.

The article defined the seven areas as:

1.       Understanding of Business Functions

2.       Experience with Enterprise Systems Integration

3.       Knowledge of Emerging Enterprise Technologies

4.       Tech Basics

5.       Familiarity with Legacy Systems

6.       Real-World Perspective

7.       Ability to Work as a Team

Many of the points they made about recent IT grads are really of no fault of the grads or of the colleges educating them. They are a matter of time and experience in real-world scenarios. However, for the IT department looking for support now, where do they turn? Consider turning to a contingent staffing model, accessing the consultants and professional resources who have experienced the scenarios and who have been in the trenches, integrating IT with business functions across an organization.

“The article was interesting to me because it pointed out something we already know, but often don’t know how to work around. Technology is changing at the speed of light and the workforce needs to understand those emerging technologies while still have a solid basis in the legacy systems that are still a major part of the everyday realities,” said Scott Koenig, senior vice president at EDGE.

“Our consultants are on top of it and have experience in the legacy systems, know how to integrate solutions across departments in an organization and are tuned-in to the technologies and changes that are affecting the environments,” Koenig said.

EDGE consultants hit all seven of the challenges raised in the ComputerWorld article. And, because we focus on the specific niche of supporting banks, credit unions and financial services companies, we understand not just the IT side of your business, but also the challenges and opportunities unique to banking.

If you want to learn more about how we can support your team, contact Scott Koenig and we can talk through your challenges and find out what solution is a best fit for you.

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