Learning More About Right to Represent Documents (RTRs)

 In the last few months, we have received an increasing number of questions about Right to Represent (RTR) documentation and their emerging use in the staffing industry.

EDGE is seeing the use of RTRs increase among our client base, especially from those using Vendor Management Systems. Clients are looking for assurance that candidates are aware they are being presented for a job opportunity and agree to presentation. Historically, some of these clients have found that candidates were submitted without their knowledge.

Our corporate emphasis has always been to stay in touch with candidates and discuss opportunities ahead of presentation. As a result, we have very strong relationships with candidates and find that we often do not need a RTR. However, when a client requires an RTR, we must comply so that our candidates have the best possible chance at placement.

What exactly is a Right to Represent Document (RTR)?

An RTR is a document that communicates to the client organization that the candidate agrees to be presented for the position by this specific staffing firm. 

If a client organization requests an RTR, it is most often not optional. Candidates may not be considered for the specified position without a completed RTR.

What happens if I don’t sign a requested RTR?

As mentioned, an RTR might be a requirement by the client, or agreed to as a matter of process with certain hiring organizations.  If an RTR is not in place, a candidate is often disqualified before resumes are evaluated.

What happens if I sign multiple RTRs?

If a candidate signs multiple RTRs for a particular position, they are usually disqualified from consideration.

What happens if I sign an RTR and I get a call from another staffing firm about a similar position?

Because multiple positions can sound very similar, your EDGE recruiter can help you determine if you have already signed an RTR for that particular position.

There are numerous staffing firms out in the market competing for the same business.  At EDGE, our mission has always been to accurately represent our candidates and do what we can to get you working and keep you working.  To fulfill that mission, we take the steps necessary to keep you informed, represent your needs professionally, and work with the clients to make the best placement combinations. 

We expect to see an increasing use of RTRs, as banks want to cut time and expense in their staffing processes. As with any changes in the industry, we will try to keep you informed about the changes we see and how they could affect your job placements. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our recruiters. 

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